tisdag, februari 28, 2006


.."Flemming Rose, the Danish journalist who commissioned twelve drawings of Muhammad (hardly offensive by Western standards. See them here, halfway down the page), is currently in the United States. The journalist wanted to test to what extent “multiculturalism” has affected freedom of speech. Little did he know that things were already that bad. The outcome of his test is that his life is now in danger in Europe. Flemming may be forced to remain in hiding for the rest of his days."

"Danish historian and journalist Lars Hedegaard, also present in The Hague, shares my fear that Denmark will soon be attacked by the Jihadists. The latter have frequently announced that they intend to “punish” Denmark and will do so if they are not to lose face in the Muslim world. A bombing or an assassination before the end of the year will come as no surprise."

"Europeans are fast becoming second class citizens in their own countries. It is tempting to flee a continent that has already to a large extent become Eurabia, and hide in the relative safety of the United States. However, Europeans should stay put and resist the attempts to turn Europe into dhimmi-land. “It is possible that some Muslims are offended by the Danish cartoons,” says Daniel Pipes. “Nevertheless, all the media should have published them. While the Rushdie affair was about freedom of speech, because it was an intra-Muslim affair, the cartoon affair is about the defense of the identity of the West and whether we allow them to impose their values on our society.”

Källa: The Brussel Journal

Det gör mig så ont att tänka på att Flemming Rose och 12 vanliga tecknare, ska behöva gömma sig med familjer och allt - kanske resten av deras liv...är det så vi vill att vår planet ska se ut?

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