söndag, oktober 08, 2006

Muslim cabbies refusing the blind and drinkers

"MUSLIM taxi drivers are refusing to carry blind passengers with their guide dogs or anyone carrying alcohol.

At least 20 dog-aided blind people have lodged discrimination complaints with the Victorian Taxi Directorate. Dozens more have voiced their anger.

And there have been several complaints that drivers refuse to allow passengers to carry sealed bottles of alcohol.
Victorian Taxi Association spokesman Neil Sach said the association had appealed to the mufti of Melbourne to give religious approval for Muslim cabbies to carry guide dogs."

Läs hela artikeln på News.com.au

Ska muslimerna kunna välja bort människor med spritflaskor eller blinda människor med ledhund, för att "koranen säger att man ska hålla sig från hundar"... så utgår jag att vi får rättigheten att ringa våra taxibolag och be om en icke-muslimsk förare?

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