tisdag, november 13, 2007

Nya lagförslag i Holland

Reinhard på FOMI skriver:

"Det holländska konservativa partiet VVD har presenterat ett antal förslag som skall begränsa invandringen och islamiseringen av Holland. VVD har tappat åtskilliga röster sedan de gjorde sig av med den hårdföra Rita Verdonk, och förslagen ses därför som ett sätt att ta tillbaka dessa röster. Undersökningar visar att förslagen välkomnas av en majoritet av befolkningen. Slutsatsen är tydlig: politiker ändrar uppfattning så fort de ser att antiislamism ger dem röster.

VVD MP Henk Kamp wants to reduce immigration as much as possible of people "who not speak Dutch or English". The minimum age of a non-EU marriage immigrant should go up from 21 to 24, to combat arranged marriages. The applicant should also pay a deposit of 7,500 euros, only repayable after five years if no call has been made on social security.

Around one-third of immigrants currently arriving from Turkey and Morocco to marry are a nephew or niece of the bride or bridegroom, according to Kamp. Because this is a threat to public health he wants to ban nephew-and-niece marriages and introduce an obligatory DNA test to this end.

Kamp also wants the government actively to track down and deport all illegal immigrants. Additionally, it should be a punishable offence for municipalities or other government bodies to offer aid to illegal immigrants. "Both illegal residence and making illegal residence possible must become punishable," he writes.

According to the VVD, there are an estimated 185,000 illegal immigrants in the Netherlands. Deportation policy is confined to those that cause nuisance or are criminals, but even there not much is done in practice, according to Kamp, the former defence minister.

The VVD opposes the "obtrusive presence of Islam in public spaces." Kamp wants to ban mosques from calling to prayer in Arabic with megaphones. The wearing of face-covering clothing should also become an offence.

Muslims may profess their religion in freedom, "but the Netherlands is not an Islamic country and must not become one." Mosques offering radical Imams a podium must be closed and the Imams deported, in Kamp's view. If they also have Dutch nationality as well as another, the Dutch passport must be taken away from them.

Finally, the troubled VVD - the party has plummeted in the polls since it sent away its rightwing MP Rita Verdonk - proposes a tougher approach to youngsters misbehaving on the street. They must be re-educated in government centres. If they are aged below 12, they must be put in a closed institution, which is currently not legally permitted."

Läs mer och diskutera detta på FOMI

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