lördag, februari 02, 2008

Belgium: Code of conduct to prevent choosing gender of doctor‏

"The Belgian gynecologist association prepared a code of conduct that makes it impossible to choose the gender of the doctor in emergency services.

Immigrant men often reject a male doctor for their pregnant wife.

Luc Baeyens of the Brussels Brugmann hospital says that at least one immigrant woman a week can't give birth in his hospital because there's no female doctor available. Also Johan Van Wiemeersch, chairman of the Belgian gynecologist, says he has to deal more and more with refusal in his practice.

Van Wiemeersch drew up a code of conduct that applies to all Belgian maternity wards. Whoever registers in a maternity institute must sign the code. By doing so he declares his agreement that both a female doctor as well as a male doctor may check-up or help in birth, whenever the patient comes in.Van Wiemeersch says that the they can force observing the code of conduct and call in the police if it's infringed. "Although I hope it never gets as far. We're not on the war path." He thinks that his code of conduct can be implemented by the spring."

Islam in Europe

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