fredag, februari 29, 2008

Danmark: Mindre tuberkulos

Esther - Islam in Europe:

"Tuberculosis isn't an illness that affects only undeveloped countries. Danes are also affected by the dangerous infectious disease. But while tuberculosis is on the increase all over the world, in Denmark the tend is the opposite. From a peak of about 600 cases in the 1990's, the registered number of tuberculosis cases has gone down to 377 in 2006.

According to Niels Seersholm, of Gentofte Hospital, there are two explanations for the decrease.
One is that Danes have become better at, and more effort is put into, tracking and treating the disease, another is that immigration, especially from Somalia, had decreased."

Efter tips från Skånepåg:

Turberkulosen spridning i världen och information om sjukdomen kan ni se här

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