fredag, februari 22, 2008

Muslimer kritiserar alkohol i snacks

Brittiska muslimer (läs: omättbara kravmaskiner) är nu vansinniga för att de har upptäckt att det finns alkohol i vissa typer av snacks.

"Rehman told Eastern Eye: "A customer had came with a list of products and informed us that Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli, Doritos Chilli Heat Wave and Quavers Cheese are not on Walkers' alcohol-free list. Our suppliers were unaware of this. Even if it is a trace amount of alcohol, Walkers should make it clear on the packaging so that the customer can make an informed choice. I feel frustrated and angry. I have let my customers down simply because such a big company like Walkers is not sensitive to Muslim needs. Many of them were my daughter's favourite crisps. As soon as I found out about the alcohol in them, I called home to ask my wife to throw out all the packets." "

Läs mer på Islam in Europe

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