lördag, mars 01, 2008

Irland: Tre afganska män arresterade efter raid

I Tralee på Irland har man plockat in tre förmodade terrorister efter en raid mot ett hotell för asylsökande.

Man hittade material för tillverkning av bomber och ammunition.

"Gardaí (FS anm: Polisen på Irland) would not confirm if the men were part of any terrorist cell acting in the country or linked to well-known fundamentalist groups in Afghanistan such as al-Qaida.

The men were taken to Tralee Garda Station and held under section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act. This relates to unlawful organisations and terrorist activity. They can be held for a maximum of 72 hours when they have to be either charged or released. "
Irish Examiner

Tack för tipset, Ej PK!

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