fredag, april 18, 2008

UK: Vägrades tillträde till muslimsk badtimme

FOMI skriver:

I England vägrades en man och hans femårige son tillträde till ett badhus som användes av muslimer. Dessa förklarade att endast muslimer var tillåtna vid den här badtimmen, som enligt förhandsreklamen genomfördes varje söndag.

"A stunned dad and his little boy were banned from swimming at a popular public sports centre - because they are not Muslims.

The man, known only as David T, and his 10-year-old son were stopped from going into the pool at Clissold Leisure Centre in Stoke Newington, east London. … The council says the special early-morning get-togethers are aimed at community groups who have strict rules on segregation. …

David T said: "I arrived at the pool to discover that they were holding what staff described to me as 'Muslim men-only swimming'. "I asked whether my son and I could go as we were both male. I was told that the session was for Muslims only and that we could not be admitted. "I asked to speak to the duty manager, who confirmed that this was the case." … "

"He gave me an identical story. His explanation was that it was a requirement of the Muslim religion that Muslims could not swim with non-Muslims." "

Källa: Daily Mail

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