onsdag, maj 21, 2008

Muslimsk bönebyggnad riven i Italien - ersätts med torg för islamkritiker

HÄRLIGA NYHETER!! I Italien rör det på sig på allvar nu:

En byggnad i Verona som användes av muslimer för bön har rivits.

På platsen kommer ett torg döpt efter Oriana Fallaci att byggas. Veronas borgmästare, som tillhör Lega Nord, förklarar att hans "medborgare inte ville ha det här övertagandet", och syftar då på bönelokalen.

La Republica

Engelsk översättning hos Gates of Vienna

Man kan dra sig till minnes vad Paul Belien har sagt, att allt framgångsrikt motstånd mot islamiseringen kommer från konservativa nationalister.

Källa: La Republica, Gates of Vienna

Och mer:

Rome, 20 May (AKI) - Ethnic food may be removed from government schools in the Italian capital, Rome, in the latest gesture by the city's new centre-right government to target multiculturalism.

Laura Marsilio, city councillor for schools in Rome, said the local government would re-evaluate the ethnic menus of public schools, and replace it with what she called "Italian regional dishes as well as typical mediterranean cuisine."

Marsilio spoke to the media on Monday and said that the 'ethnic menus', introduced by the previous centre-left government of Romano Prodi "gave insufficient results."

Marsilio reportedly also plans to look at centres where parents of immigrant children and their relatives are taught Italian, the laws of the country and computer classes.

"We need to see if they are really effective for integration," Marsilio said.

The councillor also plans to ensure laws are respected with regards to the number of Italian and immigrant children in schools, because in some cases, immigrant children outnumber Italian children.

The 40-year-old Marsilio is a member of the post-fascist National Alliance party, a member of prime minister Silvio Berlusconi's conservative coalition.

In an interview with Italian daily Il Nuovo in 2002, Marsilio, a city council member at the time said "To give housing to nomads (Roma Gypsies) would be a social injustice" and that they should live in "isolated camps under police surveillance." "They have to learn to respect the rules. They steal and mistreat minors, I don’t like them. Not because I am racist, but because they don’t obey the rules," said Marsilio."


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