fredag, november 25, 2011

Shariarevolutionen: Journalist våldtagen av "frihetsrebellerna" i Egypten

The Religion Of Peace har gjort det igen...och igen....och igen....
"This is about freedom", Lara Logan declared before she was set upon and raped by marauding Muslims.
 Figaro is reporting: 
 A reporter with France 3 has been violently beaten and raped today in Tahrir Square as she was doing her job.

Caroline Sinz said that she and her cameraman Salah Agrabi were trapped in a street close to the square near the Interior Ministry where while filming in Mohamed Mahnoud St were attacked by "youths" of 14-15 years of age and grabbed, beaten, raped....  (hat tip Armaros)"

Och igår var det Mona Eltahawys tur att utsättas för sexuella övergrepp...

"Mona Eltahawy said she was sexually assaulted by police during hours under detention after taking part in protests on the sprawling square that has become a landmark of the Arab Spring.
 "Besides beating me, the dogs of [central security forces] subjected me to the worst sexual assault ever," Eltahawy said on her Twitter account."
LÄS ALL PÅ Atlas Shrugs

Tidigare i bloggen:

Lara Logan breaks her silence

Lara Logan: De njöt av att våldta mig med sina händer

 /Fröken Sverige - röstar självklart på

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