Den 23 december så våldtog denne man två blonda och blåögda kvinnor i Paris, sen ytterliggare två, endast två dagar senare på Étampes (Essonne).
Polisen har mängder med foton från CCTV på denna man, men de lämnades inte ut förrän en tidning som heter Le Nouveau Detective (The New Detective) och tidningen Le Parisien, ville pblicera en artificiel bild av gärningsmannen.

Le Parisien said that the detective division of the French police was "observing the strictest silence in this affair" which was described as "very sensitive".
This is yet another example of European police forces putting the lives of Europeans at greater risk for political purposes. They feel they have some kind of professional obligation to prevent the release of information that might cause Europeans to question the wisdom of allowing their countries being colonised by third-world immigrants. We saw exactly the same thing in the case of the Paki rape gangs in Britain. Of course, as I have written about before, this behaviour is imposed on the police by Council of Europe directives.

This man is considered very dangerous. He has shown himself to be very violent but at the same time, he has spoken to his victims a great deal, notably asking them their religious affiliation or their nationality.Hat Tip : Islam versus Europe