1970 1,000
1980 30,000
1985 50,000
1988 100,000
1990 120,000
1992 140,000
1994 160,000
1996 200,000
1998 250,000
2000 325,000
2005 375,000
2006 400,000
DETTA ÄR FAKTISKA SIFFROR! Det är dessutom inte omöjligt att det finns runt 500 000 muslimer i Sverige idag.
Source: Sander and Larsson, EU map org. , Sweden . s.10 pdf EU map org. - andre lande
"An exponential increase means that the population doubles within a certain fixed period. Suppose you started at 1980 with 30,000 (the same figure as in the actual statistics) and doubled it every 6.7 years. The resulting population table would look like this:
1980 | 30,000 | |
1987 | 60,000 | |
1993 | 120,000 | |
2000 | 240,000 | |
2007 | 480,000 | |
2014 | 960,000 | |
2020 | 1,920,000 | |
2027 | 3,840,000 | |
2034 | 7,680,000 | |
2040 | 15,360,000 | |
2047 | 30,720,000 |
These figures come close to the actual numbers listed since 1980. If the trend continues, since the population of Sweden in 2007 is estimated to be between 9 and 10 million people, within about thirty-five years there will be more Muslims than “persons of Swedish origin” in the country. And this is assuming that there is no further emigration from Sweden of the native population."
Så det är NU vi ska välja om vi vill att - Sverige/våra barn/barnbarn - ska slukas upp av det muslimska samhället, eller inte?
Vill ni leva under sharialagar, se era döttrar i burka, höra böneutrop fem gånger per dag och se på när folk blir stenade, så ska ni givetvis inte agera...utan kan lugnt fortsätta att ägna er åt att titta på Idol.
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