Detta ska ske med våld om det anses nödvändigt och det ansågs heller inte vara omöjligt att "huvuden kommer att rulla" i kampen mot oss "otrogna".
Jyllands-Postens engelska del skriver följande:
"Sunday’s national meeting for the radical Hizb ut-Tahrir included incitement to destroy Israel and a re-establishment of the Caliphate Islamic empire
"Nearly 600 Muslims attended the meeting at KB Hallen in the city’s enclave of Frederiksberg, where religious leaders spoke of the rise of an new Islamic Caliphate and the fall of Western powers."
"The union of nations under a common Islamic law could be created by force if necessary, according to another of Hizb ut Tahrir’s leaders, Atta bin Khalil. Khalil also told those in attendance to ‘continue their state of war against the Jewish nation’.
A third speaker at the congress, Emir Shamil, said that ‘heads may roll’ in the recreation of the Caliphate."
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