Oftare och oftare så hör man om djur i Sverige som blivit sparkade, halshuggna och torterade. Men det får vi väl bjuda på för att kunna säga att vi är en "human stormarkt"? Eller?
"A recently leaked video out of one of the most Islamic nations has sent a shockwave through the world, but it’s disturbing content isn’t for the faint hearted.
Just as the Quran instructs Muslims to “be harsh towards unbelievers,” how could we non-Muslims expect them to be any differently towards other living creatures? This question is quickly and brutally answered in Islamic culture, history, and law against man’s best friend.
The inhumane treatment and slaughter of dogs in Shiraz, Iraq is so disturbing that even local citizens have expressed discontent with the vicious extermination of stray “street animals.”"
H/T Mad New World & Bare Naked Islam

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