Holland har 1600 soldater utstationerade i Afghanistan.
Och i torsdags hotade talibanerna med att jaga rätt på dem och skada dem om filmen (som de givetvis anser kränker dem. Och vad kränker INTE dem?) visades.
Läs mer i Politiken
Tack för tipset, Galenzo!
Och på bloggen Gates of Vienna undrar man: Kommer Wilders film stoppas i Haag?
"Based on this article from De Telegraaf, the Netherlands may be turning into the anti-Denmark.The Dutch government is now considering how it might assuage offended Muslim sensibilities by banning the movie that offends them before it is even shown.
If they carry out their plan, the Dutch will have fully revealed their hand, and demonstrated that the country that was once a beacon of liberty and tolerance has descended into the darkness of tyranny, censorship, dhimmitude, and — yes — submission.
Our thanks to our expatriate Dutch correspondent H. Numan, who brought this article to our attention, translated it, and accompanies it with his own commentary:
Possible ban on Wilders movie..." Läs mer på Gates of Vienna
Och glöm inte hålla ögonen på sidan: fitnathemovie.com!
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