söndag, augusti 19, 2012

Flydde Pakistan, ser nu skräcken i flickornas ögon - i England

Nadira Naipaul flydde till England från Pakistan 1996. Då trodde hon hade lämnat mardrömmen bakom sig. Nu ser hon samma sak i sitt nya hemland. 
'I can still see the horror that made me flee Pakistan - in the haunted eyes of girls raised HERE': Nadira Naipaul exposes arranged marriages and honour killings in the UK
"Pakistan had drained my resolve, and I was tired of fighting a losing battle. To me, England, for all its ills, was the promised land.
Instead, I have found the horror I fled has followed me here. It is all around, eroding the very core of everything Britain believes in."

Read more: Daily Mail

/Fröken Sverige - 6,5 år i svenska folkets tjänst

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