tisdag, augusti 21, 2012

Rape Jihad? "Asiat" och "vit" våldtog 14-årig pojke

Polisen i Manchester, England efterlyser dessa två män, efter att de har våldtagit en 14-årig pojke i ett köpcenter. En är "asiat" (brukar vara detsamma som muslim i England) och en "vit" (ser ut som en konvertit?).

"A boy was raped at a department store in Manchester after being taken from a lift by two men, police have said.
 The 14-year-old had been going to the toilets in the Arndale Centre, near the entrance of Aldi and Subway, when he was approached by the men.
After threatening the boy, they led him to a nearby Debenhams, where one of them assaulted him in a toilet.
 "The victim was told by one of the men: "Come with us, do what we say and if you try to run we'll get you."

Med tanke på den eskalerande mängden våldtäkter mot män, så har ni bra läsning här:

Quran: Islam and sexual instructions: Anal sex

De dansande pojkarna i Afghanistan - om pedofilverksamhet och tabu

/Fröken Sverige - 6,5 år i svenska folkets tjänst

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